Tuesday, April 17, 2012

We can't have it all - where does the money go?

I am a twenty-six year old Masters in Library Science student.  This means that I was fortunate enough to attend grade school during some significant technology shifts and takeovers.  I remember using a card catalog.  Then the online catalog.  The reserving books online. Then renewing books online.  Then, in college, I was introduced to databases which made it possible for me to never have to actually touch a book again.  I have had to opportunity to grow with the technology, which is why my generation is very susceptible to change.  We expect it. More than new technology excites us, it gets old fast. As a library student in an economic recession, I'm seeing that integrating technology in libraries isn't much of an integration as it is a replacement.  It would be great to have all of this resources as well as real humans to connect with, to show us how to use all of these resources, but it seems that is becoming more and more impossible.  It becomes how many database subscriptions vs. how many salaries. Do we pay for librarians to teach students the technology or do we pay people to keep the technology up to date, to fix it when it breaks? The sad thing is that with lack of funding, we can't do both.

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